Number Sixth type is small body and long up shadow and the body is down by the center line. So if this type is displayed at the end of up trend way and it will be top, if next week’s open price is above the center line, maybe next week will still has some possible on buy way. And if the open price is down of the center line, you must do sell.
Instead is 14th type Yin Asi, this type is meaning buy and it need to turn to sell when the market price is down of the center line.
The Seventh type means it will be turned into a large sell way if it is displayed on the top.
It is difficult about fifteenth type, also it means sell is not strong again if it is in daily candle, but in weekly candle it means more strong sell trend next week. And if it is on the bottle, you can buy when market is opened next week. But if it is on the top and with long shadow image, you need do nothing just watch the market will go to where.