• 周三. 10 月 16th, 2024


盗人に 取り残されし 窓の月 

About Haguro Weekly CandleSticks Theory(3)


10 月 31, 2015

201510310730.jpg Here we are, let ‘s see the third type about Haguro Weekly CandleStick.



The third type is with long down shadow and the body is just above the center line with a small heigh. So here is you could buy and end it in next week if the open

price is near by the center line, or you could sell it and hold it if the open price is very higher than center line next week.


与此相反的就是11号线。And instead, if the eleven type is displayed at daily we may think this trend is so weak for sell. But it is different mean in weekly candlestick that is mean it will became one strong sell.

201511032227.jpg 本型中,下周会是阴足,然后跌入本周的最低价的时候,一般可以看成会有暴跌,所以可以空卖。这个型在下行趋势中看到的话,暗示下周会很波乱。如果是在底部出现(多底),那么下周就是阳转可以多单入市。


Continue see the fourth type, it is clear like daily candle, you can buy at next week’s open price because this is a strong buy trending.

Obviously, the 12th type is with long body and small up shadow, also this means you can sell it next week and you can get your large target.
201510310919.jpg 与之相对的12号线,勿论,就是代表强力空,俗话说爬三年一朝跌,12号线出现的话,下周开盘就空,大有利益可图,远非4号线的利益可以比较的。



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